NVC Distinctions

Exercise 1: Observation or Evaluation?

Which statements include observations, free of evaluation? Translate statements with  evaluations into possible observations.

  1. “Raj pounded on the table and said he was tired of the tone police.”
  1. “Jane didn’t ask me to come to the affinity group meeting.”
  1. “My boss is a good manager.”
  1. “Lila works long hours.”
  1. “Bob was furious with me yesterday and he left for no reason.”
  1. “Mika has a lot of power.”
  1. “Shaun was the first one to leave every day this week.”
  1. “The two teams rarely speak to each other.”
  1. “Tony told me my filing system was amazing.”
  1. “Wasim complained about me and implied that I was insensitive to people from the global south.”

Our responses

  1. We see this is an observation without evaluation. It may be more accurate to say, “Raj hit his fist on the table and said, ‘I am tired of the tone police.’”
  1. If you checked this number, we agree that this is an observation without evaluation.
  1. We consider “good manager” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “My boss has had no turnover in his department for 6 years.”
  1. We consider “long hours” to be an evaluation.  An observation without evaluation might be, “Lila spent 60 hours at the office this week.”
  1. We consider “for no reason” to be a judgment. It’s an inference that Bob was furious. Maybe he was frightened, worried, sad or shocked. An observation without an evaluation might be: “Bob said he was furious,” or “Bob shook his fist before leaving the room.” 
  1. We consider  “a lot of power” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “Mika has final decision making authority for a 20 million dollar budget.”
  1. This is an observation without evaluation. 
  1. We consider “rarely” an evaluation. An observation without evaluation might be: “The two team haven’t spoken together since last month.” 
  1. This is an observation of a statement by Tony that includes an evaluation (amazing). 
  2. We consider “complained” to be an evaluation. An observation without evaluation       might be: “Wasim said that the meeting times were convenient for people in the global north, but not for folks in Asia.” 

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