We explore diversity, equity and inclusion in our relationships. We welcome people who who have been marginalized by their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, disability, age, or political perspective.
Instead of pointing fingers at others, we look at our own classism, racism, sexism and ableism as it shows up in the group. Rather than blaming and shaming each other, we get curious. Rather than blaming and shaming each other, we get curious—about our reactions, our discomfort, and the ways we’ve internalized oppressive systems. We slow down to notice what’s happening in our bodies, how power dynamics shape our interactions, and what possibilities open up when we stay with the tension instead of shutting down or lashing out.
We’re all in this together! Tackling equity issues in a group requires an understanding of the root causes of disparities in society and how that impacts interpersonal relationships. We support each other to develop awareness of power dynamics so that we can decolonize our relationships and take a stand for social justice.
Even when our life work focuses on anti-oppression, we can struggle to honor the nuances. We all make mistakes and do harm because we are part of the larger culture and there is so much we don’t know. The important thing is to develop resilience so that we can bounce back from those mistakes, repair the harm and develop liberatory practices that support healing.

We practice developmental facilitation where every participant is a facilitator and simultaneously builds those skills in others. In group work, we don’t eliminate hierarchy, but we collectively shift the hierarchy that was traditionally based on rank, dominance, abuse and fear, to relationships based on care.
Typically, the designated facilitator shares power, models vulnerability and demonstrates openness to feedback. When we value each other’s gifts, and support each other’s development, the hierarchy and power dynamics shift. Someone says something brilliant and revolutionary in one moment, and is in awe of another’s mystical insights the next. As people step into their power and wisdom, this raises the vibrational energy of the group which ripples out into the world.
To experience an authentic communication group, check out our offerings here!