
The life balance wheel gives a snapshot of our life right now, allowing us to assess our level of satisfaction in different areas of life and serving as a foundation for our strategic plan.

Instructions: With the center of the wheel as 0 and the outer edge as 10, rank your level of satisfaction with each life area by drawing a curved line to create a new outer edge. What actions can you take to increase your scores?

Balance wheel categories:

A description of each area of the balance wheel follows, but encourage clients to create their own balance wheel categories and descriptions based on what matters to them.


My work stimulates and fulfills me.

My career path makes good use of my talents.

I am proud of my contribution at work.


I have enough money to meet my basic needs and plan for the future.

I regularly contribute to a savings account.

I am free of money worries.


I exercise regularly.

I eat nourishing food.

I manage stress well.


I enjoy my friends and family.

My support network nurtures me.

I have meaningful connections with people I care about.


My spiritual life is rich and fulfilling.

I have a spiritual practice that supports me.

My inner path and outer connectedness are sources of inspiration.

Personal Growth

I continuously deepen my self awareness.

I actively seek personal and professional growth opportunities.

I am moving toward living the life of my dreams.


I regularly enjoy leisure time.

I have hobbies/activities that stimulate me.

Fun is an integral part of my life.


I belong to a community that is based on mutual respect.

I contribute to and receive support from my community.

I have an emotional connection with people who share my values.

Many coaches use the life balance wheel in the first coaching session to help clients review their whole life. Periodic review of the balance wheel can help people stay in alignment with what’s most important and move into action. The balance wheel serves as a visual reminder of what life could be—imagine having straight 10s in each area of life. By looking at one area of life at a time, and exploring both short-term and long-term actions, it becomes easier to change one part of our life, one step at a time.

Excerpt from Coaching for Transformation by Lasley, Kellogg, Michaels and Brown. 

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