Prioritizing Values

As an exercise, we ask clients to prioritize their top seven values and how much they are honoring them on a scale of 1 to 10. Then we ask some of the following questions:

What is a time when you honored the value fully?

What is the barrier or obstacle that keeps you from honoring the value now?On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong is the barrier?

What are you learning from identifying the barrier, and how might those lessons help you fulfill the values you want to honor?

What needs to happen for each value to become a “10”? What action can you take to raise your score? Long term? Today?

Values work needs spaciousness, so give clients a chance to feel deeply into each question.

Values-Based Action

Action is an important follow-up to values and needs work because action changes the situation, so that clients can live a value-centered life. We can coach about needs and values continuously, but their behavior does not change until clients actually do something. When alignment happens organically, they begin to make changes in themselves and their world. That leads to further consideration of needs and values, and further action. 

Questions to Consider

What are creative ways to help clients gain awareness of their values and needs? To what extent are your life choices aligned with your values?

How can you close the gap between your espoused values and your lived values? What is the first step toward living your values more fully?

Excerpt from Coaching for Transformation by Lasley, Kellogg, Michaels and Brown.

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